A Christ-Centered Perspective
A Christ-Centric Perspective
President Quinn’s Weekly Message
California Santa Rosa Mission
July 1st, 2024
Sister Quinn and I marked our one-year anniversary of our arrival in CASRM this last week. We have visited with each other about the highlights of the year. We remember with fondness our two mission tours. The instruction from Elders Jackson and Kopischke were inspiring. We reminisced about the temple trip last December. We will never forget being in the temple with you. Our favorite memories had one thing in common – you! We look forward to the next two years serving with you in CASRM and in our lifelong shared discipleship to Jesus Christ. We are excited about the miracles to come.
In our most recent zone conferences, we ended our instruction reminding you that Jesus Christ is the center of CASRM – and that He should always be the center of our life. Keeping the Savior at the center of our missionary service and life will provide the perspective and strength required to endure any obstacles or challenges that will arise. It will also bring us joy.
I was recently reading a message from April General Conference given by Elder Jose L. Alonso:
“When we encounter difficulties, we naturally tend to concentrate on the obstacles we face. Our challenges are tangible and command our attention, yet the principle of surmounting them is in our focus. By placing Christ at the core of our thoughts and deeds, we align ourselves with His outlook and strength. This adjustment does not discount our struggles; instead, it helps us to navigate through them under divine guidance. As a result, we discover solutions and support that arise from a higher wisdom. Adopting this Christ-centric perspective empowers us with the fortitude and insight to turn our trials into victories, reminding us that with the Savior, what seems like a major problem can become a pathway to greater spiritual progress.”
I love Elder Alonso’s instruction that when challenges arise, we should not focus on the obstacle but on the Savior for His divine wisdom. The size of the obstacle will not change, but our capacity to overcome it will increase. This lesson is powerfully taught in Alma 2. Alma and his people were fighting an army of the Amlicites and Lamanites – an army so large it was described as being as numerous as the “sands of the sea”. Alma and his army were greatly outnumbered. Rather than give up or flee, they sought strength from the Lord:
“Nevertheless, the Nephites being strengthened by the hand of the Lord, having prayed mightily to him that he would deliver them out of the hands of their enemies, therefore the Lord did hear their cries, and did strengthen them, and the Lamanites and the Amlicites did fall before them.” (Alma 2:28)
I am inspired by this account in the Book of Mormon. Missionary work and life can present obstacles and challenges for us. I know of the power that comes from living a Christ-centric life. The Savior has guided and strengthened me as I have sought him to overcome obstacles and challenges in my life. As I look back on my life, and my time here with you in CASRM, I can clearly see His sustaining and guiding hand in our service to Him.
Sister Quinn and I look forward to the years, months, weeks, and days ahead serving with you.
President Quinn
(707) 758-6380