Spiritual Momentum

Spiritual Momentum

President Quinn’s Weekly Message

California Santa Rosa Mission

January 20th, 2024

 Sister Quinn and I enjoyed meeting with you this week in zone conferences. I am grateful for the preparations made by those who instructed us. As a reminder, please consider how you can apply the things you were taught to improve your weekly goal setting and planning, inviting friends to church, and using social media to find friends to teach.

In this first transfer of the new year, I ask that each of you consider personally, as a companionship, district, and zone what you can do to continue the momentum created in the last transfer. I believe part of what we need to do is found in the missionary service of the sons of Mosiah:

“…they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth; for they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God. …and they fasted much and prayed much that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an instrument in the hands of God to bring, if it were possible, their brethren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge of the truth…” (Alma 17:2,9)

Scripture study, prayer, and fasting were practices these missionaries used to qualify for the essential gift of the Spirit. We also see urgency and effort in their missionary work as they served among the Lamanites. Through their labors and personal preparation, the sons of Mosiah created spiritual momentum that resulted in the baptism of thousands.

In a recent conference address, Elder Renlund teaches us the importance of building our spiritual momentum daily:

“Our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be nourished daily. It is nourished as we pray daily, study the scriptures daily, reflect on the goodness of God daily, repent daily, and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost daily. …When we assume responsibility for our own testimonies, we gain spiritual momentum and gradually develop bedrock faith in Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of Christ becomes central to the purpose of life.” (Elder Dale G. Renlund, GC April 2024)

We need the Spirit daily to fulfill our missionary purpose. Our work sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is Spirit led. My prayer is that you will continue to do those things that strengthen your spiritual power and momentum. I know that daily prayer, scripture study, repentance, and obedience to missionary standards will qualify you for this blessing.

Thank you for your diligent, loving, and faithful service. Let’s continue the momentum we have generated.


President Quinn

(630) 881-4030


Peacemakers Needed


The Lord Loves Effort