NY Times - 19 Year-olds, Ambassadors of Existential Yearnings?
Elders Hill, Myers, Schmidt, and Davis
On May 10th the New York Times posted an article about Mormon Missionaries, missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the article journalist Laura Jackson asks this interesting question. “Are 19 years-olds really the best ambassadors for subject matter that touches on some of the deepest most profound existential yearnings that humans experience?”
The answer is, yes, absolutely they are! As we read in Psalms 8:2 “Out of the mouth of babes… hast thou ordained strength.” Their age is significant in their humble approach and bold confidence in God. More important than their age, is the testimony and message they bear. A message that answers all the yearnings of the heart - that we are all beloved sons and daughters of God who has a great plan of happiness laid out for all His children. It is through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that this holy and sacred plan is made available to each of us. The missionaries teach that our loving Heavenly Father’s plan will give us the answers we are searching for. All we need to do is ask. In the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Christ, it promises, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5) I believe when God says “all” He means “all.” The truth of the missionary message, confirmed by the Holy Ghost, is the secret to their success.
The Ukiah California Zone Missionaries at Zone Conference
Every six weeks we send our most experienced and confident missionaries home as they complete their 18 months or two year missionary service, only to replace them by inexperienced and anxious young new missionaries. In any other organizations this model would fail. But in The Church of Jesus Christ the model succeeds miraculously.
If this work were not true, young missionaries would have done irreparable damage to the Church years ago. Yet, these young people are strong, good, and faithful as they stand and sacrifice for truth. They are set apart under the authority of God’s priesthood. This gives them the authority and power to act in God’s name - and they do so with courage and love.
Sisters Knudsen, Breshears, Lamb, and Freeman
As miraculous as their missionary work is in converting souls to the gospel of Jesus Christ, perhaps more miraculous is the conversion that takes place in their own life. These young missionaries become lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. We rejoice in their conversion to the Savior and their strivings to become like Him. As they follow the plan of happiness and walk the covenant path, the remainder of their lives they will realize the greatest joy in this life and eternal life in the world to come.
Elder Gardner and Elder Lunt
If you or a friend would like to hear the message the missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have you can click on the button here - Come Unto Christ!
We love working with our young and senior missionaries! They truly are amazing people! Thanks for reading my weekly post. More photos and information from the week below.
The Woodland California Zone Missionaries at Zone Conference.
This week we said good-bye to the Larsens. We will miss them. We have now welcomed a new senior missionary couple the Nates. Sister Nate will be the mission secretary and Elder Nate will be the financial administrator. Thank you to these wonderful senior missionaries who give freely of their time and talents. Their service is so much appreciated!!
The Larsens and The Nates - wonderful senior missionaries. We love you!!
This past week we had our oldest daughter Katie and her husband Dave and our 6 grandchildren visit us from Dallas, Texas. It was wonderful to spend time with Mark, Caleb, Tyler, Luke, Lily, and Grace!! We love them! Here are some photos from their visit.
President and Sister Quinn with the Andersons - Dave, Katie, Mark, Caleb, Tyler, Luke, Lily, and Grace. Point Reyes California
Lily, Tyler, and Luke - Sausalito
Grace - Point Reyes California
The Andersons - Fort Pointe under the Golden Gate Bridge