God is Great - Being Set Apart
I remember as a little 5-year-old girl having a tea party with my dolls and saying a little nursery rhyme with them. It went: God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food amen. I never gave this chant a lot of thought as a little girl. The more I have experienced life the more I see how great and good God really is. Today, feeling God’s - our Heavenly Father’s and our Savior’s - goodness has brought tears to my eyes. Mark and I were set apart as missionaries by David A. Bednar. Elder Bednar is one of the twelve apostles for our church. For my friends of other faiths, “setting apart” is a priesthood action in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where a person is formally blessed and given the rights and authority to carry out a specific calling or responsibility in the church.
We felt very fortunate to have Elder Bednar set us apart and to have in attendance our five children, their spouses, and our two mothers. We were invited to come to the church office building in Salt Lake City, Utah for a 9:30 appointment. There we were led into a conference room where Elder Bednar met us with a friendly smile. Elder Bednar was genuine and kind. It was a tender and spiritual experience to be set apart as mission leaders for The California Santa Rosa Mission.
Today, God’s goodness and His greatness was revealed in abundance for me. Along with promising beautiful and specific blessings and spiritual gifts to me and Mark, Elder Bednar said in each blessing that there wasn’t enough time today to pronounce all the blessings God wants to bestow upon us. This made me promise myself once again to look for, appreciate and ask for the abundance of God in my life. I do not want to get in a rut by taking His goodness for granted like I did as a little girl.
I know that as I obey the commandments, I can call down the blessings I would like. Great blessings from God are promised to everyone. The Heavens are just waiting to shower them upon all of us.
The Book of Mormon gives us this promise in 3 Nephi 18:19-20
“Therefore, ye must always pray unto the Father in my name; And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive behold it shall be given unto you.”
I love this promise to all of God’s children. I like to keep track of blessings from God on a list on my phone. I probably miss recording some because there is just so much abundance from God everywhere. One place I love looking for the blessings from Heaven is in nature and its beauty!
Back in the conference room Elder Bednar asked us if we had any questions for him. I had a list, but felt a little nervous speaking up. I did get up the courage to ask him what he enjoyed the most about his calling as an apostle. He told us how much he enjoys all of his responsibilities and then he said he loves ministering to the one. He mentioned how he had recently been in Arkansas to oversee the temple open house, yet it was visiting with an old friend that he knew from years ago that he felt was the most important thing he did.
Leaving the conference room our son Chase said that the spirit of the Lord felt heavy in the room. He was right the spirit filled the room and each of our hearts. Outside in the parking lot we took a few group photos. Chase gave Mark a favorite necktie that he had worn on his mission as a symbol of love and well wishes.
My heart is full of gratitude for this setting apart and I know that it is through the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ I will be guided and strengthened as I begin my mission.
Natalie & Johnny Boswell, Chase & Maryssa Quinn, Elaine & Mark Quinn, Katie & Dave Anderson, Melissa & Justin Black, Ken & Hannah Francis - Joan Quinn and Daryl Hoole - Tuesday June 20, 2023 Church Office Building parking lot
love to all - Elaine