Missionary Heroes - Gibbons and Tippets
Mark’s phone rang around 10:25pm on Friday evening. Any time a mission president’s phone rings after 10:00pm your heart skips a beat. It was Elder Gibbons and Elder Tippets.
They were in their apartment here in Santa Rosa getting ready for bed when around 10:00pm they heard a loud skidding of car wheels and then a huge crash with the breaking of tree branches. Boom! They ran out and around the apartment complex to see what had happened. It was dark and they had to work their way through a ravine with brush and a creek running through it. They had flip flops on their feet that they had quickly slid on as they ran out the door instinctively knowing their help was needed.
Elder Gibbons and Elder Tippets
They came upon the accident and saw a car that had careened off the road. The top of the car was smashed in and a fire had begun under the crushed hood. They learned later the car had rolled a few times before landing upright in the creek’s embankment. There was a young man climbing out of the car who apparently was the driver. He had been injured. Elder Gibbons and Tippets helped another young man out of the car and then ran back to pull one more male out of the car while patting the fire out on his pant legs. They called 911. They realized there was another person on the passenger side where a young woman was trapped. They attempted to open the car door to rescue her, even bending some metal from the car. Yet, unfortunately due to the extensive damage sustained to the vehicle they could not free her. Tragically the car quickly exploded with fire and the young woman was killed. The fire department and police came. The officers called Elder Gibbons and Elder Tippets heroes and asked them many questions about the accident and rescue.
We received the phone call after they had spoken to the police and went right over to the apartment to check on them. The two missionaries had some soot and blood on them along with scratches from the tree branches. Elder Tippets had a slight burn on his leg. Both were in shock and shaken up that they were unable to rescue the young woman. It was very upsetting.
We felt very proud of them for doing what they did - in a moment’s notice they put themselves in danger to save lives. We agree with the Police that they are heroes. AND we are extremely grateful they were not seriously injured themselves.
We had them shower and change clothes and then brought them to the mission home where we gave them some hot chocolate to drink, put ice on Elder Tippets leg and just let them talk. Mark gave them both a blessing. We had them spend the night with us. They got up early the next day to attend the temple with one of their recently baptized friends who was going to do some baptisms. We wanted to check in on them again, so we took them to dinner Saturday evening.
Montgomery Road - Santa Rosa CA
Saturday, we read an on-line newspaper that said, a combination of alcohol, drugs and speed caused a fatal accident off of Montgomery Road in Santa Rosa. The article stated that the driver and passengers of the car were assisted by two area residents. The Good Samaritans, as the article called our missionaries, were attending to the passengers when responders arrived at the scene. The driver and one passenger are in a local hospital with the passenger in critical condition and the other passenger was flown to a burn unit for treatment.
Today, Sunday, we heard from the AP’s )Assistants to the President) that the Elders were still upset that they had not been able to save the young 17-year-old, so we had Elder Gibbons and Tippets come by the mission home again. We made some cookies for them and visited some more. We made plans for them to talk to a therapist.
The police have asked them to come in tomorrow, Monday. They have a few more questions to ask the missionaries in order to finish making out the accident report. The mother of the driver contacted the missionaries and said she wanted to have a memorial service for the young woman who had died. These two heroic missionaries are praying that there will be an opportunity when led by the spirit to let the grieving family members of the young lady know that they will see their daughter again.
The Good Samaritian - Parable from the Bible
We are so proud of the brave actions rendered by Elder Gibbons and Tippets this past Friday. I have been thinking about their loving desire to bring the message of the Gospel into the lives of those affected by the accident. These elders and all our missionaries are like the Good Samaritan in the Savior’s parable, as they desire to lift and strengthen those who will listen to the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries bring healing to those who have been injured by the difficulties of their lives. They love those who have been left alone. They buoy up the spirit of the hopeless and offer peace and comfort in a world of contention and fear. Our missionaries show great courage and valor in sharing the good news of the gospel to all they meet. Fearlessly and tirelessly, they bear their testimonies of eternal life and the daily joy available through God’s great plan for each of us. Our missionaries are heroes as they make personal sacrifices to be in the service to others – all of God’s children.
Some of the missionaries in the California Santa Rosa Mission October 2023
Sister Quinn
California Santa Rosa Mission Leader.