Showing Up - It Matters!
In eight days, we will have 17 new missionaries show up here in Santa Rosa, California. We’re excited! Showing up is what all of our missionaries have done. They each got on a plane and came to Santa Rosa! Showing up matters. Showing up is the first important step for making a difference in life. In fact Woody Allen stated: “Eighty percent of success is showing up!” That makes sense. I would add that showing up is a big part of loving one another.
Our missionaries make a big difference here in California as they teach about ways we can all show up for each other. These ideas come from God’s baptismal covenant and are recorded in Mosiah 18:8-9, where it reads: “… as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God and be called his people and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn, yea and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.
Hermana McBride and Hermana Utley at a baptism.
I love the idea of bearing each other’s burdens and comforting those who need comfort. When I feel inspired to show up for someone, I know I can choose to do that! My life has been better for it when I do. This past weekend was my mother’s 90th birthday celebration. Her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren from all over the country “showed up” to help celebrate her. I was excited that I was able to get permission to go to Utah for the weekend and surprise my mother by showing up.
Me, Sister Quinn, surprising my mom, Daryl Hoole, by coming to Utah for her 90th birthday celebration.
It was a sacrifice of time and money for everyone to travel and take time away from their duties, yet we all knew it would be well worth it! It has been a sweet and wonderful weekend. We all enjoyed connecting with each other once again, hugging, visiting, playing games, and enjoying good food. Spencer, my brother, made a game of Hoole trivia more exciting by offering $20 for each correct answer. Daryl, my mother, spoke to everyone expressing her love to all and her testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ. We all received a copy of her talk and a copy of a picture of her drawn by Ty Mecham a grandchild-in-law. We missed my Dad who passed away several years ago. We know that he and my sister Janet, who died in infancy, are our guardian angels.
It was a great few days. The weekend included hiking to Donut Falls in Little Cottonwood Canyon and ended by attending a missionary farewell for Lucy Hoole, a daughter of my brother Greg and sister-in-law Kelly. — Below are some photos from the weekend.
On Friday a few of us attended a session at the Jordon River Temple
Saturday was the big celebration at Falcon Park in Sandy Utah. Over 150 decendents of my mother, Daryl Hoole attended.
Another photo from the celebration.
Daryl Hoole next to a photo drawn of her by Ty Mecham.
And along with enjoying the family activities in Utah, I also ran into some people whose relatives are my missionaries! How fun is that?!?
Elder Bass’s brother and sister-in-law
Sister Curtis’s aunt
I was able to drop by my mother-in-laws home and visit with her — Joan Quinn. Here I am pictured with my four daughters, Katie, Natalie, Hannah, and Melissa.
My son Chase and family, Maryssa, Odessa, and Hank with Grandma Quinn
I had a wonderful time showing up to my mother’s 90th birthday celebration weekend. I am now back in Santa Rosa and it feels good to be back in my mission.
I have a testimony that God shows up in our lives. Each Monday evening we meet as a mission on a zoom call at 9:00 pm that we have entitled Miracle Monday. Missionaries share experiences of miracles where God has shown up in the service of our missionaries.
Who can you show up for?