Stained Glass Almond Blossoms - Feather River Temple
Sister Quinn, Sister Brockbank and President Quinn
One of our missionaries, Sister Brockbank, is an artist. She has greatly blessed our mission with her talents as I have asked her to help me with a few projects. She recently painted a picture of the Savior for a temple recommend holder we made as a gift for all of our missionaries.
Temple recommend holder. Art by Sister Brockbank
Before her mission, she worked for the Holdman Studios in Lehi, Utah. She was part of a team who built the stain glass windows for the new LDS Feather River Temple in Yuba City, California.
Abby Brockbank in the Holdman Studios
The Church News stated this about the stained-glass windows in the Feather River Temple: “The interior art glass focuses on the almond blossom, with the blossom’s natural colors against a backdrop of yellow fading to blue.” I thought it was a nice gesture using the California almond tree blossom as a motif.
Feather River Temple stain glass windows being worked on in Lehi, Utah.
President Quinn and I wanted to take Sister Brockbank to the Feather River Temple in Yuba City, California before her mission came to an end, so she could see the beautiful windows she had worked on. She was honorably released this week, so a week ago Saturday we met her and her companion, Sister Loosli, at the Feather River Temple. Senior Missionaries, the Kennans and the Wilsons, joined us. It was a sweet experience to be in the temple with Sister Brockbank!
Quinns, Sister Brockbank and Loosli, Wilsons, and Kennans
As of December 2024 the Feather River California Temple is one of the Church’s 202 dedicated temples worldwide. This temple is one of California’s 12 total temples - some of which are under construction or in the planning phases.
Feather River Temple, California
That Saturday as the sun came through the windows illuminating the soft colors of the stain glass it was gorgeous. For me, the colors were calming and inviting and brought my heart happiness. These windows are perfect for a temple, the House of the Lord, with its convenantal promises with God.
The church’s website explains what temples are by saying, “Temples are houses of the Lord, where members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regularly go to worship. Inside these holy buildings, faithful church members make promises with God, feel His Spirit, and come closer to Him through sacred ceremonies called ordinances.” For more information about LDS temples click here:
Stain glass window in the Feather River Temple
Stained glass window in the Feather River Temple
We enjoyed going to lunch after the temple session. I’m excited to see what Abby Brockbank, the artist, does in the future! Below are photos of the departing missionaries and the incoming missionaries this week. Also below is an important message about California. Have a good day! Sister Quinn
At lunch after the temple.
Departing Missionaries - We’re going to miss them!
Sister Cliften, Elder Berklund, Hermana Estrada, Elder Lee, Elder Harlan, President &Sister Quinn, Sister Sutton, Sister Brockbank, Hermana Crandall, Sister Piippo, and Sister Chynoweth
Incoming new missionaries - Welcome!
Elders Valle-Cardenas, McIntyre, Eccles, Sommers, Sellers, Ockey, Becker, Hillery and Hunt
Sisters Day, Austin, Scott, the Quinns, Sisters Thueson and Sargent
It is important to record that it has been a devastating week for those affected by the fires in Southern California in the Palisades area. Our hearts are heavy with sadness and concern. We have been praying for them and will continue to pray each day! The people here in our area of Santa Rosa have very compassionate hearts for those affected because this area experienced terrible fires in 2017. At that time those fires were the most devastating in California history. People still talk about the destruction that the fires caused here and the fires have become a historical time marker, as I am sure the fires this week will also be seen as. It is very tragic.
President Quinn had been scheduled to attend a meeting in Los Angeles this past weekend for a priesthood leader training for all the mission presidents, stake presidents, temple presidents and area seventies in the North American West area. The Church promptly canceled the meetings due to the fires. President Bragg, the area’s president said, “The Church is committed to helping during this emergency and throughout the aftermath.”
Helicopter dumping water on the fires in the Palisades area of California - Jan 11, 2025