We Can Do Hard Things - Leaving the Comfort Zone
I saw this (above) very large sign on the wall at my sister-in-law’s, (Laurie) home and thought it would be perfect for the mission home. Without me knowing, my daughter Natalie worked hard and found the same sign for sale online, and my children surprised me with it for Christmas. I am so excited to have it. It is a great reminder of what is expected of missionaries. “WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!”
Missions are hard! To begin with missionaries leave behind the comforts and safety of home and step right into something called the “Fear Zone” as they are stretched in many ways. They live with a companion 24/7, someone they have never met before and someone they may not have much in common with. They work from 6:30 am to 10:30 pm and are expected to study hard and prepare themselves to teach. They have to be vulnerable as they look for and meet new people they can share the message of the Gospel with. They lay everything they believe on the line to be judged. They experience rejection. They also experience success and miracles!
It is a joy to watch as each missionary moves from their comfort zone through the fear and learning zones into the growth zone. (See chart below) You can see the growth because their very countenances shine with confidence and strength . We teach the new missionaries about the transition from the comfort zone to finally be in the growth zone. It takes a lot of mental strength and determination to move forward and the good news is we know we can rely on our Savior for guidance and strength. We are reminded in: Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” The President and I love and support our missionaires and encourage them to not be discouraged, to not give up, and to allow for the time they need to learn and grow. Then we can celebrate their growth!
A chart explaining the stages you go through as you move from your comfort zone through the fear and learning zones into the growth zone.
This week these five amazing missionaries returned home after completing their missions. We had them at the mission home on Wednesday for a farewell dinner. That evening they shared with us the “pearl of great price” that they gained while on their mission. They spoke of the strength they have gained and about their loving relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ and what was entailed for them as they learned and grew the last 18 months to 2 years. It is a wonderful celebration where we tell them of the gratitude their Heavenly Father has for their sacrifice and service.
Elders Garside, Packard, Colling, and Gardner with Sister Fitzgerald. Fabulous missionaries!! We love these missionaries and were sad to see them all leave!
Elder Colling one of our AP’s (assistant to the president) worked in the office often. He is kind, thoughtful, good hearted, and hardworking. Sister Schneider, a senior missionary and our nurse, would tease him and say that we will duct tape him and put him in the storage room so he can’t go home. As a joke the President and I gave Sister Schneider some duct tape for Christmas. It didn’t take long for the other AP’s, his companions, to take advantage of the situation and tape him up.
An attempt to keep Elder Colling on his mission. I am sure his family would not like this! It made us laugh. Elders Hawkins, Scoresby, Poulsen, Colling, and Caldwell.
This week we also welcomed 17 new missionaries! They look a little bit like deer in the headlights as they get off the plane. We are excited to have them here and can’t wait to watch them grow! The first thing we tell them is, “You can do hard things!”
January is a great time to remind us all that “We can do hard things!” I love setting New Year’s Resolutions. The sign hanging in the mission home will be a good reminder to me to work hard and accomplish my own goals.
Elder Howes, Elder Ashton, President Quinn, Sister Quinn, Ken, Sam, Hannah and Elaine Francis.
And we get to celebrate bringing in the New Year with our daughter Hannah and her husband Ken and their darling children Elaine and Sam. They are here visiting for a few days from Texas. We also had Elder Ashton and Elder Howes over for New Year’s Eve Dinner today.
Thanks for reading this blog! We love you… now go do something hard! Happy 2024!
Sister and President Quinn