Light The World+
Light The World+
President Quinn’s Weekly Message
California Santa Rosa Mission
December 9th, 2024
Thank you for a wonderful week of zone conferences. We are grateful to Elder and Sister Wilson taking the time to be with us. They expressed their gratitude and admiration for each of you. Thank you for representing CASRM so beautifully.
I would like to continue my message from last week of bringing light to others during the Light the World campaign. In the Gospel of Luke, Zacarias prophecies of the light and peace the Savior would bring to the world:
“Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:78-79)
I love this simple and beautiful testimony of the Savior. The Savior has many names in the scriptures, “Dayspring” is one full of inspired meaning. The word “dayspring” means the beginning of a new day or era. The Savior’s birth ushered in a new day for the world. With Him came a light that would never be extinguished. With Him came the pathway that would bring peace to His followers, even as they “sit in darkness” and the “shadow of death.” What a promise! The world – and more importantly the lives of the Savior’s disciples, will be blessed by the light and peace that came with His birth and life.
As an early morning runner, I remember enjoying many beautiful sunrises as the sun chased away the darkness of night. I felt peace in the quiet of my morning runs. I felt peace watching the beautiful and changing colors in the sky made by the growing light of the rising sun. I see in my memories a testimony of Zacharias’ prophecy of the Savior. I am grateful for the light and peace the Savior has brought into my life.
I invite you to take time this holiday season look out your window or go outside before 7:15 in the morning. As you do, look for the symbolic light and peace offered by the Savior in the light of the new day. My hope is that in the future sunrises will by a daily witness and reminder of the Savior’s influence and presence of light and peace in your life.
I am grateful for the light you share with me. I remember being in a baptismal service a few weeks ago watching a missionary spontaneously put her arm around her companion. There appeared to be no other reason than to show love for her companion. I found the Savior’s light in this kind gesture.
I am grateful for the light shared across CASRM as missionaries share their gifts and talents. I am inspired by the gits of music and art we enjoy in CASRM. I see the Savior’s light manifest in these offerings given freely.
I see the Savior’s light in the obedience and sacrifice missionaries make in CASRM. I recognize for some of you it is a great sacrifice to give up music, entertainment, and hobbies for 18 or 24 months to serve as a missionary. Your example of obedience and sacrifice bring me light.
We had 5 baptisms last week. This gives us a total of 37 baptisms since the challenge was issued. We have 52 friends on date between now and year end. Let’s do all we can to help our friends be baptized.
Sister Quinn and I look forward to being with you in the temple this week. We look forward to celebrating the Christmas season with you this week.
President Quinn
(707) 758-6380