Egg-xactly Obedient - Missionary Interviews
Elder Huaytalla
President Quinn interviews all the missionaries every six weeks. I get to enjoy visiting with them in the hallway while they wait for their turn. This last week during interviews, I thought it would be fun to share a little science experiment that I have done with my grandchildren.
Over a glass of water, I center a pie tin. On the pie tin I center an empty toilet paper roll, and on top of that I put a raw egg. I then ask the missionaries one at a time to come and hit the pie tin out into the air. They each look at me a little bit concerned as they envision the egg breaking making a mess. I assure them it will be fine. They then hit the tin hard to the side. The tin and the toilet paper roll go flying as the egg drops into the glass of water. They’re surprised and relieved!
Hermana Miles and Nix
I tell them the egg did not break because it was obedient. It obeyed two laws. The law of inertia and the law of gravity. Inertia that an object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by a force – the egg continued to fall until caught by the water. And the law of gravity. The egg fell straight down. It did not fall at an angle nor did it just hover in the air. I did have a couple missionaries hit the tin and knock over the glass, so there were a few broken eggs. Or if we did not align the toilet paper roll exactly in the center the egg would hit the side of the glass and crack. It had to be exact.
I went on to share two scriptures with the missionaries from the Doctrine and Covenants, where the Lord teaches us about laws.
D&C 130:20-21 says, “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated – And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”
There are laws that God our Heavenly Father is also governed by and obeys. All blessings are predicated upon laws, and are obtained by obedience to that law. I also pointed out when God says all he means ALL blessings!
I next shared, D&C 82:10 (My dad loves this scripture) “I the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.”
Elders Oh and McCollum
When we keep the commandments the Lord is bound to bless us!
President Quinn and I teach our missionaries about the importance of obedience. It is critical that the missionaries learn the importance and the blessings that come from keeping the commandments, their covenants and following the standards for missionaries. When missionaries are obedient they are safe, they are blessed, and miracles happen in their lives. The Lord is good and wants to bless us. This is why the Lord gives us commandments. Just like the egg, we are subject to laws. When we are exactly obedient we are greatly blessed. I enjoyed visiting with our missionaries and teaching them about the law of obedience. They all had wonderful and interesting things to say about obedience and laws. I am amazed at the spiritual strength of our missionaries.
Have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas!
Sister Quinn with Elders Dougal and Robinson
Elder Almeida
Elder Sudweeks and Metcalf
Elder Hammand, Barnett, Henrie, Huaytalla, and Platt
Sister Breshears, Gordon, and Elder Galvan