Pray Always - a Blessing and a Commandment
I stand up and walk to the podium. It’s Saturday and we are holding a training session for our new missionaries. I adjust the microphone for my height and turn on my power point presentation. As I begin to speak, I look out at the 40 missionaries attending today. Many of them have opened their journals and with pen in hand are ready to take notes. A wave of humility washes over me seeing their eager faces. I feel a deep love for each one. I take a long slow breath to help calm my nerves and hang on tightly to the prayer in my heart that what I have to say to them is inspiring and motivating.
New Missionaries August 26th 2023. Back row from L to R Elders: White, Fuchs, Bennet, Rosier, Averett, Dykes, Birch, Liefson, Tippets, Wallace Front Row. Sister Bailey, Sister Smart, Elder Kennan, Sister Kennan, Sister Quinn, President Quinn, Sister Piippo, Sister Sutton, and Sister Brockbank.
Just an hour ago, I was on my knees fervently petitioning the spirit to help me overcome my inadequacies as I share my thoughts for today. I am filled with gratitude for prayer. I can feel in my bones the strong bond to heaven that prayer gives me. I understand why God admonishes each of us many times in the scriptures to “Pray always.” ( A few of the scriptural references for “pray always”: Luke 21:36, 3 Nephi 18:15, 2 Nephi 32:9 and Doctrine & Covenants 20:5)
Keeping the commandment to pray always is easy on a mission. President Quinn (Mark) and I sometimes have 3 to 4 meetings a day and each time we begin with a prayer. So, in addition to my personal prayers and blessings on the food, there are many times each day I stop and connect with heaven. President Quinn tells me he also uses the power of prayer at the beginning of each interview with each individual missionary, which would add about 15 more prayers to his day at those times. Prayer guides and strengthens us on our mission in every way, every day!
Bookmark I made for Margo.
This week, I have been thinking a lot about prayer for many reasons. At the beginning of the week, I cross stitched a “Pray Always” bookmark for my granddaughter Margo as a baptismal gift. She was baptized today and although we were sad not to be there in person, we were grateful we were able to zoom in this afternoon and watch the ordinance take place. One of my greatest desires for this sweet girl and all my grandchildren is for them to be in the habit of praying and calling on the power of heaven to be with them in their daily lives.
Margret (Margo) Ann Boswell - Baptism Aug. 26, 2023
I have also carried a prayer in my heart this week for all the missionaries who returned home on Friday. They are each amazing young men and women and have all served in amazing ways. We will miss them. It is my on going prayer that they will continue to walk the covenant path and be disciples of Jesus Christ all the days of their lives, for this is what I know will bring them true happiness.
Departing missionaries August 25, 2023, Back row - Elders from L to R: Tolman, Hansen, Orton, Smart, Bliss Anderson, Cordingly, Bitsoi, Raymond, and Livingston. Front row: Sister Whalen, Sister Quinn, President Quinn, Sister Gordon.
There is one more reason I have been contemplating prayer. A good friend of mine who lives with depression, like me, sent me an email this week with this question: “Could you please tell me how you pray when you have depression and anxiety?” I understand why she would ask this. When depressed I either feel empty and devoid of the spirit or I feel irritable and want to turn my anger on God. Either I feel unworthy of praying or I feel guilty about being angry with God. Both reasons make me not want to pray. However, in my life I have learned that it is the influence of Satan that persuades someone not to pray. The truth is our Heavenly Father wants to hear from us daily. He understands what is going on in our lives and encourages us to pray what is in our heart. If we are angry, tell God about it. If we don’t feel the spirit, talk to God about it. He already knows what is troubling us and He understands. He promises the spirit of the Lord will help us to pray once we begin. Prayer changes things.
A selfie with Sister Henrie - She is a wonderful missionary from Illinois. (a great state! )
I love listening to our missionaries pray. They pray with great faith and sincerity. They pray for each other; they pray for the people they are teaching the gospel to and they pray to get help to find those who are seeking out a better relationship with Christ. They teach people how to pray and help them to understand that prayer is a blessing for everyone no matter your situation or background. Yes, prayer is for everyone!
PS This has been a wonderful week and a great Saturday and to top it off it is Mark’s and my 41st wedding anniversary. We were married August 26, 1982. We celebrated today by going out to dinner. We love Thai food, and we were delighted to find a restaurant here in Santa Rosa that turned out to serve some of the best Thai food that we have ever had! Come visit us and we’ll take you there! You’ll love it!!