Service with a Smile - Can We Help?
This week has been mission zone conference week where President Quinn (Mark) and I travel to the different areas (zones) in our mission boundaries to meet with our missionaries. Each day for 5 days we gather with different zones (combining two zones a few of the days) from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. It’s a long day of training and teaching so we are delighted and grateful that The Relief Society sisters (women’s organization in the church) in the different areas take turns providing lunch for all of us.
The Fairfield Zone one of eight zones
The Santa Rosa and San Rafael Zones two of eight zones
Today I want to give a shout out to the Relief Society Sisters for their service. I know how much work goes into preparing these zone conference meals as I have done this many times myself in Naperville, Illinois. Just trying to figure out how much 40 - 50 hungry missionaries will eat is the first tricky step! This week at one of the lunches we were given yummy apple sauce cake for dessert, made from home grown apples. So, thank you Relief Society Sisters. The women always tell me, “Oh we love missionaries and are so glad we can feed them.” Thank you - good food and your smiles make them happy!
Another wonderful service in the church that I didn’t know about before my mission is that after the Zone Conferences the missionaries each get an assignment and they clean the church. They vacuum through the building, clean the kitchen and bathrooms, take out the trash etc. They’re happy to help and are willing to work hard!
Elder Barnes
Sister Quinn, Sister Christensen, President Quinn, Sister Piippo, Sister Hall
Elder Eldredge
Elder Anderson, Elder DeLeRosa
Our missionaries serve in many ways in their communities too. When talking to you they will always end by saying, “Is there anything we can do for you?’ or “Can we help?” They look for opportunities to give a helping hand to others all the time. They’ll carry your groceries in if they see you walking with them. They help with yard work. They help people move. They would even help you pick your apples or sweep out your garage. Just ask a missionary for assistance and you will see a huge smile come across their willing faces.
Elders Colling, Anderson, and Clark
Sister Kennan - Office Missionary
This weekend they worked with us and other senior missionaries to clean out the mission office. In preparation for our mission tour next week, I thought it would be nice to spiff things up a bit. Missionaries are strong and can move mountains of things. They immediately do what you ask of them.
Sisters: Callison, Adams, Chase, Tanielu, Hunter and Tibbals
Elders: Howes, Winters, and Birch
Missionaries are awesome. If you watch them serve you will see their humility, their love of their fellowmen and their smiles. Their greatest service is sitting down with you and your loved ones and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a member of the church or a friend of the church, a companionship of missionaries will come into your home and teach you stories about the Savior. Their missionary purpose is to bring others unto Christ that they might have everlasting life.
If you want to see proof of our missionaries’ smiles just look at their faces at the baptism of one of their friends. You can reach out to our missionaries today by going to
Sisters Palmer and Fritgerald
Elders Dixon and Whitman
Sisters Christensen, and Schoenberger