The Baby Whisperer - Surprise!
President Quinn and granddaughter Alice Francis
Thursday afternoon Sister Nate, our mission secretary, called to say that a perspective missionary and her parents stopped in at the office and would like to talk to President Quinn. President Quinn was just wrapping up some interviews, so we jumped in the car and drove to the Badger Building to meet with this young missionary.
As President Quinn walked into his office there, he was confused as he was expecting to see a young missionary. But there sitting in his chair was our daughter Hannah holding her new baby, Alice. In the corner was her husband, Ken, taking photos. Elaine and Sam their two other little children were hiding under the desk! “Surprise!” they shouted as they jumped out. President Quinn was taken back yet, I was in on the secret plan! It was stressful for me though, trying to adjust President Quinn’s schedule for the weekend without him being suspicious. It worked, he was surprised and delighted! Here is a video of the moment:
President Quinn had been feeling badly ever since Alice was born 2 months ago, knowing that he would not be able to hold and hug Alice until she was older. Hannah decided it would be fun to come and surprise him and bless the baby here in Santa Rosa.
Elaine and Sam getting candy from President Quinn in church office
The missionaries know a lot about President Quinn such as he puts God first in his life. He is wise and loving. He likes to tease and have fun. And he is a BYU cougar football fan. (We love all our Ute Missionaries!) Yet, what they don’t know about him is he is a baby whisper. It’s true. President Quinn has a sweet way with the little ones. He can calm a fussing baby and make a grumpy toddler laugh. He tells “Cookie Bear” stories at bedtime and cries out in fear when someone mentions snakes. He has a tender heart and gets tears in his eyes when counting his blessings of grandchildren.
President Quinn putting Alice to sleep.
What a wonderful treat it is to be able to spend time with three of our grandchildren and of course their parents too. Friday, Elaine and Sam had fun meeting some of our missionaries and then that evening we went to Bodega Bay and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Saturday we met up with Ken’s parents at Point Reyes Light house. Art and Shari Francis drove up from Yorba Linda in Southern California for the blessing on Sunday. Saturday night we got some tacos from El Roy’s Taco Truck and watched the big BYU football game against the U of U together while texting with our other children our opinions on the big plays. Happy to get a ‘win!”
Hannah, Alice, Ken, Sam and Elaine at Bodega Bay while the sun sets.
Sunday we attended the Rincon Valley ward in the morning. That afternoon Bishop Brown joined us for the blessing while many family members from around the country zoomed in. Ken gave an “impressive” blessing, as Oma Hoole described it. It was beautiful!
I was able to sew up a simple blessing dress for Alice and Hannah used her talent to hand embroider across the bodice. (Thanks to Sister Lemon for her help with the buttonholes.)
Alice Francis on blessing day.
Art & Shari Francis, Ken, Elaine, Sam, Hannah, & Alice Francis, Sister & President Quinn - Alice Francis blessing day.
Screen shot of the zoom call for the blessing
We had a nice dinner after the blessing, and enjoyed visiting with Art and Shari who had been mission leaders in Palmyra, New York.
We also had a former missionary, Elder Reynolds, and his family stop by to say “hello"! What fun to see him with all of his brothers and sisters and parents, too.
Elder Reynolds is standing next to me.
It’s been a wonderful weekend with lots of hugs and snuggles with Alice. We also love being with Elaine and Sam. They like playing a game of having someone guess the animal they are thinking of by asking “yes” and “no” questions. They get us laughing pretty hard with describing the sounds each animal makes.
Elder Lee and Chandler our Assistants to the President.
The Assistants to the President, Elder Lee and Chandler, came by Sunday evening to plan out MLC (Missionary Leader Council) for this next week and talk about the R&R (Return and Report) visits. It was the AP’s who picked Ken and Hannah and children up from the airport. What a great few days!
Thanks for reading.
Here are some more photos from the weekend.
Sister and President Quinn with Alice
Elaine and Sam playing with the marble game.
We love having visitors !
Bodega Bay when we first arrived.
Elaine and Sam at Bodega Bay
Hannah and Alice at Bodega Bay
Elaine enjoying ice cream at Point Reyes Station.
Hannah and Aice on blessing day.