Why Worry When You Can Pray - The Election

Elders Griguhn and Fay 

I thought it may be interesting to write about how missionaries experience a presidential election. Young missionaries as well as Senior missionaries are encouraged by the church to not discuss politics or engage in conversations about the election with friends or members of the church. In fact, unless a young missionary is being briefed each Monday during their weekly phone call with family about politics, they are pretty much unaware as to what is happening since young missionaries do not watch TV or listen to podcasts. All missionaries can participate in the election by voting with an absentee ballet.  

It has been hard for me this year to not discuss the issues, as I feel very strongly about certain matters! President Quinn and I watch the news when we can. It is good for us to be informed especially to know what is going on locally in case of forest fires and missionaries needing to be evacuated, etc. We also like catching the national news. Yet, no matter what news commentator I listen to, I feel anxious and stressed when viewing because there is so much contention! I don’t like how watching the news takes away from having the spirit with me. I’ve been thinking of how the Lord has warned us about contention when he says, “For verily, verily, I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with and anger, one with another.” 3 Nephi 11:29

Sisters Allen and Chappell

Because of the contention in the country, we are setting a curfew for our missionaries tomorrow, Tuesday, election day, asking them to be in their apartments by 4:00 pm. Tonight on our Miracle Monday zoom call President Quinn and I are going to ask the missionaries to pray for the country, and to pray for everyone to value understanding and peace over anger and hatred.

I know God wants us to stand up for what we believe and fight for the right and to vote, yet I believe that the only horse that God has in this race is me and you! President Nelson has suggested that our Heavenly Father desires for us to not see ourselves politicaly in a certain party but instead to identify ourselves as “a child of God.” That puts us all on the same playing field and on the same team! This is the message our missionaries share that we all are loved and we all belong to God’s kingdom on earth. This week I want to focus on what the Savior taught and that is to love our neighbor, and not only that but also to love our enemies.

Elder Mourik, & Sisters Piippo and Lamb

I am deeply concerned about what is happening in our country with all the contention and division, so when I start feeling anxious I remind myself why worry when I can pray. I know that ultimately God is in charge. I hold tight to the scripture in Psalms 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.” As I pray my fears to my Heavenly Father my troubled heart is calmed.

We had a great week of zone conferences! I love traveling through the mission and being with all the missionaries! It is wonderful! The missionaries make me so happy!

Here are some more photos to enjoy! Thanks to Sister Kennan for the photos!

Sister Quinn with Sisters Dangerfield and Freeman

Sister Allen 

President Quinn with Elders Young and Jensen

Elder Griguhn with Sisters Dyreng, MacKay and Hankins

Elders Murri and Jensen - Yes, we have two Elder Jensens and two Sister Allens. We are so lucky!




The Baby Whisperer - Surprise!


Living in Revelation - Mission Leader Seminar