There is no Such Thing as Bad Weather - Only Bad Gear
Sister and President Quinn at Camp Liahona in the rain. Camp Liahona is a Young Women’s Camp in our mission.
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear.” I saw this saying on a sign in the window of a sport store in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. I totally got it! Being from Chicago I know how to do winter and that is to have great gear. This includes crampons on over your boots all the way to a great coat, wool scarf, and hat. And gloves are a must! When you are fully clad it is then you can brave the subzero Midwest weather in a comfortable way.
Now, living in Northern California, I am learning about the “rainy season.” It has rained almost every day here since the beginning of December. We are also learning the difference between a water-resistant jacket and a water-proof jacket, while stashing umbrellas in our cars and entry ways.
I think there is a lesson here for our missionaries about good gear and being water proof through life’s storms and not just water resistant. Weathering hard times in life is about putting on good gear, the whole armor of God! In Ephesians 6:13 it reads: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” This is our wish for our missionaries to be lifelong disciples of our Savior Jesus Christ and to wear the whole amour of God so that we can all stand with Him in that great day! It’s all about good gear!
The Amour of God
The rainy weather has made me think about our missionaries that ride bicycles, making sure they are safe and are using good gear. Each one tells me they don’t mind being on bikes and are using - bike lights, raincoats, safety vests, and helmets. We have recently bought phone holders for their bikes so they will have both hands on the handle bars. (We can do better with the safety vests)
In CASRM (California Santa Rosa Mission) we have nine companionships of Elders on bikes. I want to give a shout out to each of them. I am so proud of them and their positive attitudes this rainy season. Rain or shine these faithful missionaries fulfill their purpose of sharing the gospel with their friends and new acquaintances. They are happy to serve their Savior.
And, yes, we do not have sister missionaries on bikes. It is just a policy. Many of them have volunteered, including me. As the daughter of a dutchman I would like to join them on bikes!
Here are our biking missionaries:
Have a great day, Elaine
Elder Wallace and Elder Dixon
Elder Maxwell and Elder Hansen
Elder Hobi and Elder Young
Elder Gordon and Elder Hessing
Elder Torgesen and Elder Berg
Elder Davis and Elder Lewis
Elder Gravatt and Elder Schmidt
Elder Woodruff and Elder Fuchs
Elder Branson and Elder Bullock
P.S. The rainy season makes everything green. The grass is growing and moss is spreading. Here are the back steps at the mission home:
Mission home back steps. The moss can be very slippery. Green everywhere is beautiful. I never knew winter could be green!