Speaking in Church or - Jumping Out of an Airplane
My brother Greg was called to be a stake president two years ago. On the Sunday he was sustained he and his wife Kelly were asked to speak in stake conference. Kelly does not enjoy speaking in public and says that she would rather jump out of an airplane or swim with sharks than speak publicly. She went on to say that speaking in stake conference is like surviving a plane crash just to be eaten by sharks!
Kelly and Greg Hoole at daughter Caroline’s wedding.
This makes me laugh because I can relate to her fears! Speaking in church makes me very nervous! President Quinn and I have spoken in seven different stake conferences since we came on our mission, and I have found that it doesn’t get any easier!
Last weekend won the prize for nerves. We were asked to speak in the Eureka Stake Conference. We drove the four hours to Eureka on Saturday evening and stayed overnight so we wouldn’t have to make the long drive Sunday morning. We like being early to stake conference so we can shake our missionaries’ hands and greet the stake president before the meeting begins at 10:00 am. The building was a 20-minute drive from our hotel.
Church building in Mckinleyville Ca. Eureka Stake Center
As we turned into the parking lot of the stake center around 9:35 we were surprised and confused to see the parking lot was already full of cars. Usually, people don’t come to meetings this early. We found a parking place and as we walked into the building, we realized that the meeting had already begun. My heart that was beating fast with the anticipation of speaking started pounding. How late were we? People had filled the chapel, the overflow and into the gym. I knew our 16 missionaries assigned to this area were in the congregation.
We quickly slipped down the aisle and up to the stand noticing a smile of relief on the stake president, President Dieker’s face, at the same time wondering what Elder Taeoalii the visiting area authority might be thinking.
There was not a printed program, so as we sat down I was frantically trying to figure out how long the meeting had been going. My rapid heartbeat was now causing a spasm in my back. I was worried I was going to have a panic attack and pass out. My straining back didn’t allow me to sit straight in the chair. Trying to relax and smile at the audience, I started doing any Lamaze breathing techniques that I could remember.
I looked at the clock it was 9:40. Where were we in the meeting? Did we miss our time to speak? A young boy stood up and spoke and then a family came up and sang. They moved a stool up to the podium so that one of the children could stand on it. After singing they scooted the stool to the side. Note to self, don’t trip on that. Oh my, wouldn’t the missionaries love to write home about their mission leader stumbling over the stool on her way to the podium after being late to the meeting. Yikes! I don’t even know when it will be my turn to speak. I started to think of what Kelly said and wished that instead of being here I was getting ready to jump out of an airplane. Then a young women got up to speak. I had no idea what she was saying because one of the men on the stand, I think a counselor to the president, who was seated about 6 seats away from me, started whispering to me. He could tell I wasn’t understanding him, and started some hands signals in an attempt to communicate.
Jumping out of a plane - this thought calmed me.
I still couldn’t understand all he was trying to say but realized at least he was trying to tell me I was next. I sat anxiously fingering and counting the pages of my talk in my purse over and over as I waited for the young lady to finish. She finished and sat down, I stood up and stepped forward, then President Dieker stood up, I sat down. My heart started beating hard again. What was happening? I thought I was next. I pictured myself standing in an airplane, toes over the edge of the doorway ready to jump. This crazy thought calmed me. I could almost feel the parachute on my back. If I jumped out, I wouldn’t have to speak! Wait, President Dieker was introducing us. I was next! Deep breaths!
The stake president sat down and as calmly as I could I stood up took a deep breath and delivered my 10-minute message. I didn’t trip. I didn’t pass out. I did speak. And most importantly I was grateful that I felt the spirit with me. Thankfully the spirit wasn’t affected by my nerves.
Sister Quinn and President Quinn
As it turned out, we were late by only about 10 minutes, not 40 minutes! Elder Taeolii had asked that the traditional meeting time of 10:00 am be moved up 30 minutes so he could get on an earlier flight to get to SFO where he had a connection on to Honolulu where he lives. The sweet stake president apologized for not letting us know of the time change. The conference went well and we enjoyed talking to our missionaries after.
When it rains it pours! Which is true of the weather here in California this time of year and also true of our speaking engagements. I have been asked to give a 40 minute talk to the Santa Rosa Stake Relief Society on Saturday evening that I have been preparing for all week. And the following week we are speaking in the Ukiah stake conference with Elder Marcus B. Nash who will be visiting there. We have been asked to speak in the training session and the adult session.
I don’t know what I will be speaking on next week yet, but I do know that I we will be on time, and I will be nervous.
I wish I was more like Mark when it comes to speaking. He is good on his feet and only requires a few notes. He can even lengthen or shorten his talk as he goes. I have to have every word typed up on paper to hold. It is just a security blanket that I count on.
The First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles
I have gained a greater appreciation for stake presidents, officers of the church and the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles who speak often and all over the world. They take time to prepare messages and to come up with new ideas that will inspire people and bless lives. And then they deliver their talks to large audiences, even over television. I wonder if they ever feel nervous?!? I want to shout out a big thank you to all of them!!
- Elaine
Here are some missionary photos….
Missionaries during a breakout session during zone conference. Reading scriptures and discussing different missionary topics.
More missionaries!
More missionaries!