By Degrees

By Degrees

President Quinn’s Weekly Message

California Santa Rosa Mission

July 29th, 2024

 Sister Quinn and I extend a warm and loving welcome to the 17 new missionaries who joined us last Wednesday. We are grateful and excited to serve with you in CASRM.

Over the last week, I have reflected on the importance of being obedient to the standards and principles of righteousness we have been given by our inspired leaders. These standards have been given by a loving Heavenly Father who desires what is best for us.

The account of Lehonti in the Book of Mormon (Alma 47) warns us that lowering our standards can lead to tragic and unintended consequences. Lehonti and his soldiers are securely encamped on a mountain top high above the army led by the wicked Amalickiah. Lehonti and his men are in a position of strength where they can easily defend themselves against the army of Amalickiah. Three times Lehonti resists the persistant invitations of Amalickiah to “come down” to him. Tragically, on the fourth invitation to “come down” Lehonti foolishly gives up his position of strength. He descends from the safety provided by the mountain top and embraces a new standard offered by the conspiring Amalickiah. The decision to lower himself down to the level of Amalickiah leads to an unintended and tragic end for Lehonti:

“And it came to pass that Amalickiah caused that one of his servants should administer poison by degrees to Lehonti, that he died.” (Alma 47:18) We give up our position of spiritual strength and security when we are persuaded to rationalize our obedience to gospel standards and principles. This rationalization, like it did for Lehonti, typically occurs slowly over time – “by degrees.” We justify small acts of disobedience believing they do not matter or that there will be no significant consequences. I am confident Lahonti felt the same.

Years ago, following a business dinner, my boss and two colleagues conspired to have me enter an adult strip club. They invited me to lower my standards for a few hours. They assured me that only the four of us would know what we had done. That this would be the only time. The pressure to enter the bar was intense. My boss would soon be awarding promotions, raises, and bonuses to our team. I might be forfeiting a significant promotion and raise if I refused to join them. For a brief instant I considered lowing my standards to “come down” to the level of comradery and prosperity they offered me. I am grateful for the Spirit that gave me the strength to say “no.” I was blessed in many ways and for many years for this decision. Years later, a leader of our firm who had become aware of this event, sponsored my promotion to a partner in the firm because he admired my integrity – my willingness to live the standards of my faith.

I pray you will have the conviction and integrity to honor the standards the Savior has established for His missionaries and disciples. That you will never rationalize disobedience – even to our minor standards. Do not let your standards slip “by degrees.” Be firm – immovable! Exercise Christlike obedience. I promise you will enjoy the protection and strength of the Spirit as you honor inspired gospel standards and principles.


President Quinn

(707) 758-6380




“Like Unto Yourselves”