Mission Tour - A Spiritual Boost!
President and Sister Quinn - Elder and Sister Kopischke
This week we had a mission tour. We enjoy mission tours and have been looking forward to Elder Kopischke, of the Seventy, and his wife (Christiane) coming to visit. It has been a very busy and exciting week organizing all the details of meetings and meals. Mark and I also spent a lot of time preparing to teach our missionaries along with the Kopischkes.
I made 190 bunny bags for all the missionaries. We decorated the dinner tables with these bunnies. In the bags we gave each missionary a “Disciples Go Deep” key ring - our mission motto. We also gave them a “225” magnet to remind them of our goal of the 225 people we want to baptize during the year 2024. I told our missionaries that when they see the magnet they are to close their eyes and imagine 225 friends in baptismal white clothing ready to make their first covenant with the Lord. It is not a number, but a group of individual people! We also gave them a plastic egg full of jelly beans and spoke of the symbols of Easter. And we gave them the below photo of the Savior by artist Brent Borup to display in their apartments.
The sister missionaries from the Santa Rosa Zone helped me tie bows on the bunny bags. They we are the center pieces for the mission tour dinner.
“Resurrection and the Life” by Brent Borup
Elder Kopischke trained by asking the missionaries for questions and then answered their questions. He did a wonderful job. He taught that Jesus calls all of us His friends “…for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Fatter I have made know unto you.” - John 15:15 This great love that the Savior has for us encourages us to love Him by keeping the commandments. It is by keeping the commandments and making sacred covenants with the Lord that we can receive all the blessing our Heavenly Father has ready for us.
On the last day of meetings we gathered all of our 174 missionaries at the Peterson Lane church building. We enjoyed a variety/talent show. President Quinn and I did a Carnac act to start it off, and then we had many missionaries participate by dancing, singing, juggling, piano playing etc. It was a delightful show. We then had a testimony meeting giving our missionaries that are leaving this transfer time to express their love for the Lord and their mission. President Quinn and I spoke followed by a nice dinner. I love having all the missionaries together. As a mission leader I feel like the Savior, when he counts His sheep. President Quinn and I account for each of our missionaries. Our focus is to help each of our missionaries be a healthy, happy, and successful missionary along with being a life long disciple of Jesus Christ. We love our missionaries! Below are a few photos from the evening. Thanks again for reading my weekly mission update. Sister Quinn
Carnac and his lovely assistant - President and Sister Quinn
Elder Myers and Elder Allen singing and guitar
Sister Myers singing
Elder Dixon and Elder Hobi - river dancing
Napa Zone with Elder Chandler at the piano
California Santa Rosa Mission March 28, 2024
Pack Four Zones - Fairfield, Woodland, Napa, Vacaville
Coastal Zones - Eureka, Ukiah, Santa Rosa, San Rafael