TIWI, Go Bags, and the Fleet - the Kennans

Sister and Elder Kennan

There is one phone number that President Quinn and I do not like to see come across the caller ID and that is Elder Kennan’s number. It’s not that we don’t want to visit with this kind man, it is because he is our vehicle coordinator. When he calls it is usually to tell us about an incident with one of the mission’s vehicles.

Just this last week he called twice to report two different car accidents. He is wise and the first thing out of his mouth is, “the missionaries are okay.” He then goes on to explain what happened to the car, while I gulp and try to get my heart to calm down. It is a great blessing that we have not had any missionaries seriously injured in a car accident. Elder Kennan is on first name basis with many of the car repair and towing shops throughout Northern California.

Elder Kennan teaching at zone conference.

Elder Kennan does an amazing job! He is faithful, thoughtful, and meticulous as he coordinates, maintains, rotates, and deploys, the fleet of vehicles across the mission. We have 64 vehicles in our fleet. At zone conferences he teaches the missionaries about driver safety. They all know how to respond to his “Cool, cool” confirmation. The missionaries feel of his testimony and love for them. While the missionaries are being trained at zone conference, he will spend time in the parking lot checking all the vehicles fluids, tire pressure and cleanliness.

Elder Kennan and his maintaining of vehicles supplies.

Another responsibility Elder Kennan has is to keep track of missionaries’ driving records. These records are documented with the TIWI computer device that is in each car mounted on the windshield below the rearview mirror.  A missionary driver has to log into the TIWI device each time they turn on the engine to drive. While driving TIWI will give out commands when necessary, such as “check your speed,” and “aggressive driving.” Missionaries have 3 seconds to respond to the warning or they will get a lower score on their record.  TIWI gives a monthly score for each missionary’s driving. Some missionaries have had their driving privileges suspended due to reckless driving. Elder Kennan often tells the missionaries his job is to make sure they get home safely.

TIWI device

Whenever missionaries need to back up their car, the companion to the driver is asked to get out and be “the backer.”  They wave on the driver to help them back out safely. Backing up accidents are the most common type of accidents for missionaries.  Even with “backers” our mission has had 23 cars back into poles in parking lots this past year. Yikes! The number is going down however! Thank heavens.

Elder Judd and Young in one of the mission vehicles.

Sister Kennan, like her husband, is loving and kind. She stays busy helping her husband with his responsibilities and is the office secretary assistant. In addition, she helps to look after the missionary’s safety by providing “go bags” (emergency kits) in each car. She also makes sure our bikers are wearing rain gear and helmets and have working lights on their bicycles.  

Sister Kennan and the red “go bag.”

This past week our Northern Zones, Ukiah and Eureka, experienced a 6.9 earthquake. We evacuated missionaries in a few districts due to a tsunami threat. We were glad that they had their “go bags” in their cars, their cars had at least a ½ tank of gas, (as is mission policy) and they were familiar with emergency protocol. All missionaries were safe! The safety of our missionaries is our top priority!

Sisters Curtis and Dyreng - captured by Sister Kennan

Sister Kennan’s fun hobby of photography also blesses our lives. She has quite the artistic eye and shares photos of missionaries throughout the mission. She will lift her arm high into the air saying, “Hooray for Israel!” She loves the missionaries, and they love her.

Sister Nate, Sister Kennan, and Sister Quinn - Rocking blue!

We are grateful for senior missionaries, such as the Kennans, as they work hard and serve selflessly to make our mission successful and further the work of the Lord, which is to bring all unto Him!  What a great time of year to celebrate Christ, our Savior and Redeemer!

Thanks for reading! I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season! - Elaine

Below are some photos from zone conferences this past week.

Elder and Sister Wilson with Sister and President Quinn -

Elder Wilson is our area seventy. He and his wife Lynne, graciously accepted the invitation to speak at zone conference with us. Our theme was “the atonement of Jesus Christ.” We chose this topic in preparation for our temple trip this coming week.

Elder Webb - piano and Elder Swindler - cello. They performed at zone conference in Ukiah

Elders White, Grove, Dixon and Sisters Mowser and Doner performed in Eureka

Elders Fullmer, Berklund, Grover, and Sisters Baird, Mowser, MacKay, and Doner

Sisters Breshears and Gordon

Elders Jensen and Graves

Elders Latham, Brown, Schmidt, and Beard

Sister Kia

Elder Rosenburg, Hermanas Merrill, Willard, and Elder Davis

Sister Allen and Sister Allen - we also have an Elder Allen!

The Vandenburgs


The Matchless Gift - God’s Son


The Mission Home - A Gathering Place